Private Cloud vs Public Cloud: Which one is better?

Cloud computing technology has had a significant impact on the deployment of IT infrastructure in businesses. Currently, public cloud and private cloud are two platforms that use the standard cloud computing model and are widely used by most businesses. According to a report by IDC, Vietnam is the country with the highest growth rate of public cloud services in Southeast Asia, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32% from 2018 to 2023.

Let’s explore and compare the features and benefits of public cloud and private cloud with HI GIO Cloud, and choose the solution that best suits your business needs.

1.What is Public Cloud?

In the public cloud model, services and resources are provided by a third-party cloud service provider (CSP) and delivered over the internet through a subscription or pay-per-use model. Examples of these services are platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), or software as a service (SaaS).

In this model, the cloud provider owns, operates, maintains, and shares all the hardware and software with other users. Examples of public clouds are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or HI GIO Cloud. Public clouds operate on a multi-tenant basis, which means multiple organizations or “tenants” have access to the same cloud infrastructure and computing resources, such as servers and cloud storage.

– Advantages:

  • Cost savings: In the public cloud model, businesses will pay lower IT costs because there is no need to purchase, operate, or maintain hardware and software. Furthermore, the service provider will charge fees in the form of Pay-as-you-go (PAYG), which means you pay only for what you use.
  • Maintenance and upgrades: The public cloud provider is responsible for maintaining the entire cloud environment and related infrastructure.
  • Scalability: Businesses can easily scale up or down resources quickly as their workload demands.
  • High reliability: Public cloud workloads can be moved quickly from one server to another in the event of enterprise system overload or failure.
  • Business focus: Public cloud reduces the need for maintenance and IT expertise to manage infrastructure, allowing businesses to concentrate on their core operations.

– Disadvantages:

Security: The public cloud model follows what is known as the Shared Responsibility Model. This means that the service provider will monitor and respond to threats to the cloud infrastructure, while the customer will be responsible for securing data, applications, workloads, or operating systems. Many businesses may not realize this responsibility, so they have not adopted strong cybersecurity practices for their cloud.

2.What is Private Cloud?

A private cloud, sometimes called an on-premise private data center, is a cloud computing model in which an organization has exclusive use of the cloud, services, and infrastructure. A private cloud can still be provided by a Cloud Service Provider (CSP), but it is dedicated to a single user and resources are never shared among multiple organizations.


  • Enhanced security: Private clouds operate in an isolated, dedicated environment, limiting access to an organization through a private network. Therefore, business data is securely stored on devices managed by the business.
  • More control: Private cloud platforms are hosted in a private on-premise environment so businesses have complete control over the system.
  • Flexible deployment: Private clouds allow businesses to customize infrastructure based on business needs, technology, or data storage compliance requirements.

Application modernization and consistent performance: Private clouds can be customized and upgraded with modern technology to suit each application and business operations. With a private cloud environment, performance is more predictable because the enterprise’s hardware is not shared with other organizations.


  • Higher costs: The biggest disadvantage of private clouds for organizations is that they cost more, especially if new hardware must be purchased and installed.
  • Limited scalability: Capacity and availability in this model are limited to the hardware and software already purchased and set up. Businesses will need to purchase additional hardware and wait 3-6 weeks if they need to scale or add new features.

3. The difference between public cloud and private cloud

Public CloudPrivate Cloud
InfrastructureThe service provider is accountable for establishing and managing the infrastructure while delivering resources to customers through the internet.Enterprises are responsible for managing their own on-premise data center infrastructure or may opt for private cloud services provided by a service provider.
SecurityProvider are responsible for ensuring the security of all hardware and software infrastructure they provide. This responsibility is borne by businesses.Organizations are responsible for securing hardware and software infrastructure, in addition to safeguarding data and applications
DeploymentDeploying a public cloud is fast and straightforward, typically requiring just a few hours for businesses to establish a public cloud environment.Deploying is intricate and time-intensive, necessitating investments in infrastructure, time, and technical expertise to create a customized environment tailored to the business’s unique requirements.
Operating ExpensesPublic clouds assist businesses in cost savings by eliminating maintenance fees and adopting a Pay-as-you-go payment model, where charges are based solely on monthly resource consumption.   

Entails significant investment costs, including the procurement and management of equipment, hardware infrastructure, as well as personnel responsible for system setup and maintenance.

4. Public Cloud and private Cloud services at HI GIO Cloud

HI GIO Cloud offers businesses complete flexibility in their transition to the cloud. Enterprises are empowered to configure, manage, control, and monitor all cloud resources independently. By utilizing the services at HI GIO Cloud, businesses will experience a well-defined ‘journey to the cloud’ with two model options: Public Cloud and Private Cloud.

HI GIO Public Cloud: This service offers a customized and flexible design tailored to specific requirements, including virtual memory and additional features. HI GIO Public Cloud caters to the actual needs of businesses, ranging from small to large scale. Furthermore, the user-friendly information management portal is an added advantage that facilitates quick and effective operations.

HI GIO Private Cloud: This service is designed to meet the requirements of security policy compliance. It operates through dedicated servers to ensure that business resources are not shared with other businesses.

You can choose between HI GIO Public and Private Cloud based on your budget to personalize your own cloud. HI GIO Cloud offers superior features to help customers tailor their cloud experience, including:

  • Block Storage: Ranging from standard to high-end, the storage volume can be anywhere between 1GB and 30,000GB, depending on customer requirements.
  • Accelerated Computing with NVIDIA GPU Chips: GPU technology is the key to boosting performance. HI GIO Public & Private Cloud is fully equipped with NVIDIA GPUs.
  • Enhanced Cloud Management with VMware Technology: IIJ Global Solutions Vietnam’s partnership with VMware opens up new possibilities for organizations seeking to optimize their IT infrastructure and harness the benefits of cloud computing. VMware’s virtualization environment includes all the essential components, such as CPU, memory for data storage, networking, and private storage. VMware’s virtualization technology allows businesses to run multiple types of virtual servers on the same physical server.
  • Flexible Storage with High IOPs Processing Speed on HI GIO Cloud, powered by FPT & IIJ’s NVMe Hard Drive Platform: HI GIO Cloud employs the latest-generation NVMe flash storage technology, offering enhanced performance and lower latency. Customers have the flexibility to customize virtual disk capacity and IOPS at any time.


HI GIO Cloud offers a wide range of cloud solutions tailored to various industries and business sectors. If your business is still deliberating between choosing a Public Cloud or Private Cloud service, don’t hesitate to contact HI GIO Cloud. We provide expert consulting support for designing, deploying, and migrating your cloud environment.


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